Matt Micciche, Head of School
Friends School of Baltimore
The world needs what our children can do.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sense of Well-Being a Critical Factor in Learning - from Edutopia

Neurobiological studies cited in this article have proved a point that many have understood intuitively in the past; a sense of emotional safety and well-being enhances learning, while the lack of it is an active barrier to learning.

This article underlines the importance of creating a caring community within which all students feel honored and respected by classmates and teachers alike. Our Quaker values have always made the creation of this type of environment a top priority at Friends. This latest research helps to explain neurologically the educational benefits of this approach.

The Importance (and Elusiveness) of Creativity

Here's an interesting article from the Wall Street Journal that articulates the importance of consciously developing the creativity of children. Sadly, as the article cites, a recent study has found that creativity (as measured by a frequently-used test) has been on the decline among American children for nearly two decades.

Creativity, of course, is one of the Habits of Mind we've identified in our Teaching and Learning at Friends School paradigm (see p. 3 of the Collection magazine article ) , and one that we will continue - as we always have - to nurture and develop in our students.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Teaching and Learning at Friends School of Baltimore

Anyone interested in finding out about the state of teaching and learning at Friends would be well-advised to take a look at pp. 4 - 13 of the most recent edition of Collection magazine, available at the URL below.

This series of articles gives an overview of the process we've been going through during the past several years as we've sought to answer the question; What are the qualities our children will need in order to thrive in and shape their world?

Active Engagement Enhances Learning - from Science Daily

The most groundbreaking aspect of this study is that scientists have been able to better understand the neurological processing involved in memory and recall. This represents an affirmation of the student-centered learning that happens at Friends. I often describe our pedagogical approach as expecting the students to do the "heavy lifting" in the learning process, within a well-scaffolded structure created by the teacher. It seems only logical that those who are actively engaged in creating their knowledge would be most likely to retain that knowledge.

Thought-Provoking Articles

Beginning this week, I'll be periodically posting articles I've come across that raise issues and ideas relevant to education - here at Friends School and in the world at large. I'll include a brief introduction to each article to provide some context.

I encourage you to consider subscribing to the Focus on Friends blog if you'd like to see these articles as they are posted.

Best wishes,
