Matt Micciche, Head of School
Friends School of Baltimore
The world needs what our children can do.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Importance (and Elusiveness) of Creativity

Here's an interesting article from the Wall Street Journal that articulates the importance of consciously developing the creativity of children. Sadly, as the article cites, a recent study has found that creativity (as measured by a frequently-used test) has been on the decline among American children for nearly two decades.

Creativity, of course, is one of the Habits of Mind we've identified in our Teaching and Learning at Friends School paradigm (see p. 3 of the Collection magazine article ) , and one that we will continue - as we always have - to nurture and develop in our students.

1 comment:


    A fun description as to how they "grade" some exercises like ones found on the Torrance Test. Now that I know a bit of what they're looking for, I'm not sure how I'd approach these two drawing tasks.
